If you’ll be attending office parties, potlucks, luncheons and other holiday gatherings where food will be served, you can control what you eat without skipping your favorite goodies if you use a little smart planning and some healthy eating tips and tricks.

Eat Breakfast and Lunch
Regulate your blood sugar the day of a party by having a healthy, filling breakfast and lunch. If you think you’ll “diet” during the day so you won’t gain weight when you overeat at a party, you’ll be so hungry, you’ll defeat your goal.
Have a Pre-Party Snack
The reason we overeat is that takes about 15 to 20 minutes for the hormones that tell your brain you’re full to get there once food starts hitting your stomach. That’s why we often take seconds, even after we’ve had a big first serving. If you eat something before you arrive at a party, or make sure you have some appetizers before you sit down to dinner, you’ll start the hormonal process that alerts your brain when your tummy is full and be less likely to overeat.
Plan on Seconds
If you plan to have a second plate of food, you’ll be less likely to try and cram too much onto your plate the first time through the buffet line. If you’ve had a snack or appetizer before you eat, then by the time you finish your first, smaller plate of food, you probably won’t want seconds, and will have tricked yourself into eating less.
Find Healthy Fats
Fats are more filling and satisfying than carbs, so you eat fewer calories when you eat more fat. Look for sources of healthy fats at parties if you have a choice of what you get to eat. Choose nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish, avacados and guacamole, eggs, real cheese, natural yogurt, coconut water … and dark chocolate!
Make Sure to Hydrate
People often mistake thirst for hunger and end up overeating to try and get liquid into their systems. Drink a tall glass of water before you leave the house, and/or another one as soon as you get to the party, and one more before you start eating. It’s a myth that water interferes with digestion.
Salt your Plate
If you’re at a sit-down dinner, over-salt and pepper your leftover food as soon as you’re done eating. This will prevent you from continuing to pick at your mashed potatoes or chicken while you wait for the plate to be removed.
Don’t Deny Yourself
If you see something that’s really good, but really bad for you, don’t deny your craving. Fill your plate with healthy options and then add a small serving of your favorite Bad Boy food. Have a taste of it at the beginning and end of your eating so you at least satisfy your desire for that flavor.